
Wonder what? As much as I want to write I wonder what. I marvel at my thoughts penned down to words. I do not want to stop. Just go on pouring words from my mind, express through my heart, make see the readers unseen deep. The lightness of my body felt should fall on the paper in the form of letters to words. At present I am lying down on my front with the fingers constantly touching and tapping the keys on the keyboard. I have no idea whether it makes sense or not but I feel like to go on. This quite dark afternoon (with the lights off) gives me an immense peace. Next to me my husband is fast asleep unknown of what am I up with. I am going to show him what I wrote when he wakes up. I know he will smile and kiss me on my forehead. He might laugh too. But this what bliss is. You tend to find it in small things sometimes not sensible (in a no-harming way).

A good write depends on your thought flow. If it is like waves then ride the wave. Do not hesitate if you fall or the strong tides tumble you around. Just get back on and keep riding. Most importantly, enjoy it. Exactly, cherish your abstract.

As writing can say your ideas, viewpoints, feelings it equally is a way of venting out. I vent out many a times. When you can’t say anything but can speak through ink, why not. Be your voice and you will see many joining you in the hope of their’s to be heard.

Imagination – Procrastination is not worthless. It’s in this procrastinate state people come out meaningful. It’s the imagination which make them accomplish their goals. It is those which makes us hold the mighty pen. Gives us gripped scribble but so much engrossed.

I took rest for a while. Got up, had coffee and bread which I like very much. My husband makes great coffee. We chatted for a while then he was off to his work in photography and I spoke to my brother on phone. Afterward we had dinner and I am back to my page. Do you see I scrawl down what comes my way. I wanted to experience this, apart from a disciplined compose. It is fun and I am loving it. I mean it and a smile on my face affirms it. Free to jot my mind in pieces. I tell to myself, “Hey, this is your blog. Go on with your mighty sword. Conquer. Let your wish fly as high as you want.” A question popped up – am I a writer? My soul – Yes, I am .

Sometimes I feel, I don’t write words but words write me.

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